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Showing posts from June, 2020

Issues related with Rural Bridges

Issues related with Rural Bridges u Turfing and side slope are not according to the standards. u No proper Approach road. u Signal lights have not been fixed where appropriate   to avoid accidents. u Thickness of the tail side of slab is not standard in most of the cases.

List of feasible Bridges

The following Bridges that can be Constructed            Name of Bridge DS Division ’; Decision of Join   Feasibility Study Report f Join Feasibility        Study Report 01 Neguna Ala Bandepara near the Sutharma house   Ampara Can be constructed (Details annexed). 02 Uhana Valikagakolla B44 to Hemethrurawa Mamedura Ala Uhana   Can be constructed (Details annexed). 03 Uhana Hahadda Kosyaya Dhama Uhana Can be constructed   (Details annexed). 04 Panamadu Bakkiella Bridge I   Porativu Pattu Can be constructed (Details annexed). 05 Panamadu Bakkiella Bridge II Porativu Pattu Can be constructed (Details annexed).    06 Panamadu Bakkiella Bridge III Porativu Pattu Can be constructed (Details annexed). 07 Malayarkaddu Ranamadu Bridge Porativu Pattu