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Showing posts from May, 2020


TOTAL NUMBER OF BRIDGES APPROVED FOR EASTERN PROVINCE                             COMPLETED       TOTAL Phase-II           56                  56 Phase-II I          66                  66

Stages of Construction and Implementing Mechanism

Stages of Construction and Implementing Mechanism Mile Stone-1 :-Mobilization, Soil Testing, Base Construction . Mile Stone-2 :-Construction of abutments, Capping Beams and Wing Walls Mile Stone-3 :-Erection Steel Deck, Bearing Pad, Assembling work, any Extra                           works Mile Stone-4 :- Concrete Deck, Guard Stones, Expansion Joints, Approach Roads.

Mode of Implementation Three Phases on a Turnkey Basis.

Rural Bridges Project-Phase- 1(210 Nos ) u Phase-1 Project was Completed by former Ministry of  Economic Development.      Rural Bridges Project-Phase-II(537 Nos ) u Scope of Work :  :-Design and build of 537 Nos of bridges. Width 5.5 Meters and span is  ranging from 6 Meters to 30 Meters. u Project Co st              :-   GBP 100 mn u Source of Funds       :-   ECGD, /Deutsche u Main Contractor      :-   M/S. Cleveland Bridge Uk Ltd. u Effective Date           :-   09-12-2014 u Completion Date     :-  08-12-2017 Rural Bridges Project-Phase-III(463 Nos ) u Scope of Work    :-  Design and build of 463 Nos of bridges. Width 5.5 Meters and span is  ranging from 6 Meters to 30 Meters. u Project Co st             :-  Euro 105 mn u Source of Funds      :-  ATRADIUS/Netherland/ Rabobank u Main Contractor     :-  M/S. Janson Bridging International,BV u Effective Date          :-  31-12-2014 u Completion Date    :-  30-12-2017

Rural Bridges Project

Rural Bridges Project  u Background :The Government of  Srilanka  has initiated the implementation                              of 1210 Nos. of Rural  Bridges,Island wide in three Phases on  a                               Turnkey   Basis. u Implementing Agency : Part of the project had been  implemented under three contractagreement by the former Ministry of  Economic Development. The balance part was assigned  to the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government through   cabinet decision No:15/0519/605/009-dated 30-04-2015 .